The Discovery Centre for Entrepreneurship fosters the development of lifelong skills to achieve sustainable business growth. From emerging entrepreneurs to established businesses, we nurture the untapped talents in your community and help them thrive.
Community economic developers see direct benefits when their business community works with DCE:
Struggling to build more impactful relationships with your local businesses with limited resources? Download our Building Business Bonds field guide – this guide will help you build trust, so you can create a foundation for mutual growth and success.
Community economic development challenges are unique and deserve more than a one-size-fits-all approach. DCE facilitates a two-way dialogue with participants, giving them a say in how the foundation of their business can be strengthened.
Our tools and workplace-based training create environments that work for everyone: customers, employees, suppliers and lenders. When systems thinking meets effective leadership, it guides business process improvement and results in:
Critical thinking skills empower employees to ‘think like an owner’. When diverse teams work together on solutions and leverage their unique talents, everyone wins.
When everyone on the team is united in the skillset of systems thinking, there’s nothing your community can’t achieve together.
Our goal is to ensure more of the businesses in your community meet our Conditions of Readiness for optimized growth.
Thriving communities are led by businesses with solid core values. As part of our facilitation process, we introduce Partners in Possibility to our communities.
Partners in Possibility are trailblazing business leaders who commit to our Code of Honor and meet our Conditions of Readiness. These commitments provide a roadmap for sustaining a clear vision for growth and ensure principled, high-value business operations.
When you have a group of business leaders committed to Partners in Possibility, you have a foundation to grow and sustain economic prosperity. It’s a network that’s rooted in hard-working people empowered by systems-leadership .
Our work at DCE is to facilitate the discovery and connection of local businesses to forge Partners in Possibility.
Let’s discover what’s possible. Together.
I’m an author, senior advisor, and facilitator at The Discovery Centre for Entrepreneurship.
When our team works with new businesses and communities, we look for local trailblazers who can spark the flame of innovation and change among their peers. They’re often hiding in plain sight.
30+ years of pioneering systemic change in projects spanning labour market development, business retention and expansion, youth empowerment, and regional economic development has taught me that every community has the human catalysts it needs to create and sustain meaningful growth.
It doesn’t come from a survey. It comes from the people working together on the ground to move past assessment and into implementation. You can only discover the potential through collaborative dialogue that focuses on human dynamics. You can only create real change by doing the work – together.
At DCE, we bring the tools and entrepreneurial talent to empower participants to meet the challenges of putting structures into action.
You have trailblazers in your community who are ready to optimize their operational workflows, nurture company culture, and increase revenue, creating rippling social and economic benefits for your community. Systems-leadership skills can empower your local business leaders as trailblazers with hands-on guidance to achieve their goals.
And the best part? Once in place, it’s community-sustained. An orientation in systems-leadership impacts a community economically, culturally, and personally. Participants have the toolset to carry systems-thinking forward in actionable ways to and build upon their success year after year.
Watch the effect spread like wildfire. Watch your community come together as in Partners in Possibility.
SAP Ariba is a procurement tool for the provision of professional services below the NAFTA threshold. The Government of Canada now uses the SAP Business Network Trading Partner Portal as its globally integrated procurement solution.
DCE’s senior advisor has been vetted and prequalified as a supplier in twelve (12) professional service categories defined by ProServices. Many provincial and municipal governments across Canada also access the federal government’s e-portal for professional services requirements below $100,000. As a supplier we can be found through both Task and Solutions Professional Services (TSPS) for the provision of Non-Informatics Professional Services and the Centralized Professional Services System (CPSS).
We know you’re busy. You’ve got a full calendar. And there’s still so much you want to see brought to life for your community.
Whether you’re looking to engage your community in:
We have the tools and experience to help.
Bring DCE to your business community, and see a real-world change that brings out the best in people. Start with the folks you know. There is greatness all around you.
“Just wanted to let you know that the members of the EDC really liked the report! I don't think I have seen them quite this excited before. One of them had a copy with more highlighting in it than I could have imagined!
They have asked, as a next step, to allow more time at their next meeting to look over the strategies and prioritize for themselves what to do next. Also a VERY good sign.”
Great work! Thanks again.– Economic Development Officer, Town of Ladysmith
© Discovery Centre for Entrepreneurship Inc. 2006 – 2025. All rights reserved.
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